May 3, 2018

Get started

When the card is plugged in the oric atmos, you will have the prompt.

Orix works with the USB key. You have to put, in bin folder, your orix binary. If you need to start it, you can call your program anywhere when it’s in bin folder.

Use usb key 32GB max !

i want to start a game (tape file)

Download a tape file on (please note that it must be a single tap file, it does not manage multiples tape file in one tape file too)

Put this tape file on the usb key (in root folder).

type “basic11”

and cload your game. See basic11 command (use search engine for more information)

i want to see available bank on the card

When you are in Orix : type “bank”

I want to see all build in command

Type “help”

I want to see what the file is

use “file”

I need help

use : man command