Oric HD can read files from a sdcard (32 GB) or/and an usb key (32 GB max). We can plug a usb mouse, usb joystick or usb keyboard but drivers are not written. In Orix mode, we can load a file in 46 KB/sec, it’s possible to read quicker but it needs some optimization code.
This hardware works only on Telestrat and Orix cardridge.
Software is NOT written for Atmos. This hardware could work on the atmos, only if it’s the only extension plugged in the atmos and drivers must be written (for example, with a load of a tape file from differents hardware).
It works with Orix which handle :
- code in forth language : forth
- start .tap file from sdcard (but multitape file are not handled) : basic11
- start floppy disk from drive on the telestrat like Blake’s (when it’s not OS dependent like some demoes) with bootfd
- gunzip
- a debugger/monitor : monitor
- a video player : vidplay
- a mym player : mym
- to code in basic (atmos rom 1.1) which can access to telestrat joysticks. Save and load are on sdcard with basic11
- launch stormlord, 4kkong, nyatmos, oricium, rambo : natively
- a tool to display hrs files with viewhrs
- cc65 handle the telestrat target with Orix
You need :
- to plug Orix Cardridge in the left port of the telestrat
- to plug Oric HD to Telestrat expansion port
- a sdcard (max 32 GB) with some binaries (see below for binary)
Optional :
At this step, you can start your Telestrat. You will have a prompt. Like this :

List all banks available from cardridge :
You can use bank
If you type ‘ls’ you should see all files from sdcard.
If you have a floppy drive, you can start some demoes or games from disk see bootfd
If you want to download more binaries, download it here and unzip it in the root of the sdcard.
If you want to start basic11 for atmos rom mode (it loads from sdcard), you can downloads some tapes files. Please see the limit of basic11.
Need some help ? Use man
You need to play music ? Use mym
Need to unzip a file ? Use gunzip
A picture to displays ? Use mym
A demo of a video display ? Use vidplay